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sexta-feira, julho 22, 2005

O "tal toque"

Olá a todas(os) :-))

Hoje passei a manhã no hospital. Tive várias consultas: obstetrícia, especialista em diabetes, dietista e ainda a consulta normal com a enfermeira onde fiz o CTG.

O CTG estava óptimo :-) A Filipinha fartou-se de mexer. Deu tantos pontapés que chegou a tirar do sítio aquele "sensor".

A diabetes também anda bem controlada. No entanto tive que ter a consulta com a dietista pois esta semana perdi 1 quilo (há 3 meses que não aumentava de peso). Ou seja engordei cerca de 5 quilos na gravidez, e como a Filipinha está no percentil 50 e o útero tem o tamanho normal, devo ter emagrecido uns quilinhos. Mas disseram-me que não há problema, o importante é ela estar-se a desenvolver bem.

Fiquei super contente por me darem autorização de comer outras frutas (só podia comer laranja, maçã ou pêra). Agora posso comer todas com excepção das uvas, figos e bananas. No entanto não posso ultrapassar as 3 peças por dia...mas é bom na mesma :-))))

O médico fez-me "o toque". Já tinha ouvido dizer que às vezes doía...mas aquilo é horrível e parecia que nunca mais acabava. Durante as duas horas seguintes tive imensas contracções dolorosas, mas depois acalmaram. Também perdi um pouquito de sangue, mas avisaram-me que era normal.

O médico mandou-me fazer uma vida normal :-)))))))) e andar. Claro que saí do hospital e em vez de vir para casa fui ao IKEA fazer umas compritas....e lá anda-se bem, eheh.

Agora estou à espera do Rui e vamos dar uma voltinha à praia de Carcavelos. :-))

P.S. E uma boa notícia que não está relacionada com este post, mas o nosso Presidente da Républica escreveu uma carta ao Presidente da Venezuela. Pode ser que sejam boas notícias para o Nini. Pode ser que surta algum efeito e no dia 26 seja iniciado o julgamento. Esperemos que sim...

12 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Olá Cristina:))

Fico feliz por saber que tudo está bem e a Filipinha está prestes a sair do quentinho da barriga!


InêsN disse...

lembrei-me de ti quando vi as notícias :o) força ao teu amigo!!
ah...e muita força para vocês...está quase!!!!
beijinhos gds!!

Luna disse...

Olá Cris!
Pois já estás na etapa final.
Ai esse toques os famosos que é de subir as paredes.
Espero que daqui uns dias tragas boas noticias do teu amigo, o processo já vai longo...

Anónimo disse...

olá bebe...
...realmenteo "Sr. Toque" não argumenta ser das coisas mais fofinhas de nos fazerem.. ainda não passei por esse processo, mas de tudo aquilo que tenho lido... não acho mesmo graça nenhuma ao "Sr."
:) E como estás? espero que bem... :)
beijinhos grandes***

Suzana disse...


A mim parece-me que a Filipinha já chegou ;o)


Catarina Agostinho disse...


nuvem cor de rosa disse...

já nasceu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mocas disse...

Já sei que nasceu!! Parabéns e muitas felicidades para vocês e para a vossa Filipinha!!


Caracoleta disse...

Filipinha: Bem vinda a este mundo louco e maravilhoso!

Luna disse...

Olá Cris!
Parabens!!! mtas felicidades para essa nova etapa a 3
mil beijocas

Diana disse...

Olá linda,

muitos parabéns pela Filipinha.

Desculpa não ter visto a Filipa, mas depois conto-te melhor o que aconteceu.

Muitas felicidades para ti e tudo de bom da vida para a Filipinha

Beijocas grandes

Diana e Beatriz

Anónimo disse...

='Brand New News Fr0m The Timber Industry!!'=

========Latest Profile==========
Energy & Asset Technology, Inc. (EGTY)
Current Price $0.15

Recognize this undiscovered gem which is poised to jump!!

Please read the following Announcement in its Entierty and
Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trad,e!

Because, EGTY has secured the global rights to market
genetically enhanced fast growing, hard-wood trees!

EGTY trading volume is beginning to surge with landslide Announcement.
The value of this Stoc,k appears poised for growth! This one will not
remain on the ground floor for long.

KEEP READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Energy and Asset Technology, Inc. (EGTY) owns a global license to market
the genetically enhanced Global Cedar growth trees, with plans to
REVOLUTIONIZE the forest-timber industry.

These newly enhanced Globa| Cedar trees require only 9-12 years of growth before they can
be harvested for lumber, whereas worldwide growth time for lumber is 30-50 years.

Other than growing at an astonishing rate, the Global Cedar has a number of other benefits.
Its natural elements make it resistant to termites, and the lack of oils and sap found in the wood
make it resistant to forest fire, ensuring higher returns on investments.
he wood is very lightweight and strong, lighter than Poplar and over twice
as strong as Balsa, which makes it great for construction. It also has
the unique ability to regrow itself from the stump, minimizing the land and
time to replant and develop new root systems.

Based on current resources and agreements, EGTY projects revenues of $140 Million
with an approximate profit margin of 40% for each 9-year cycle. With anticipated
growth, EGTY is expected to challenge Deltic Timber Corp. during its initial 9-year cycle.

Deltic Timber Corp. currently trades at over $38.00 a share with about $153 Million in revenues.
As the reputation and demand for the Global Cedar tree continues to grow around the world
EGTY believes additional multi-million dollar agreements will be forthcoming. The Global Cedar nursery has produced
about 100,000 infant plants and is developing a production growth target of 250,000 infant plants per month.

Energy and Asset Technology is currently in negotiations with land and business owners in New Zealand,
Greece and Malaysia regarding the purchase of their popular and profitable fast growing infant tree plants.
Inquiries from the governments of Brazil and Ecuador are also being evaluated.


The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little
known Companies That Explode onto Investor�s Radar Screens.
This s-t0ck will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right
Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!!


All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such.
We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect
to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, object'ives, assumptions or future events or perfo'rmance are
statements of historical fact and may be "forward,|ooking
statements." forward,|ooking statements are based on expectations, estimates
and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results
or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. This newsletter was paid $3,000 from third party (IR Marketing).
Forward,|ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "pr0jects", "f0resee", "expects". in compliance with Se'ction 17. {b), we disclose the holding of EGTY shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shar,es may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not
to place undue reliance on forward,|ooking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to
differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell st-0cks, this text is
or informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial advisor before you do anything related
with buying or selling st0ck-s, penny st'0cks are very high risk and you can lose your entire inves,tment.